Monday, 29 October 2007

Todays efforts in studio max

After quite a few attempts and hour working on my character profile i have had a little bit of success.

I created the back of the skull using a sphere. I rotated the sphere so the pole lined up with the ears. This technique was used when creating a character by using a sphere from the beginning, however this seemed to help when lining up my polygons.
After creating and rotating the sphere I turned it to an editable poly and selected the lower polygons of the sphere. I also selected the inner circle of triangles as these would cause problems later. These polygons were deleted.
Now i had a basic shape of my skull I lined up the polygons to join my skull to the face. I did this by making the amount of segments in the sphere smaller. Once I had the correct amount of segments i used the vertex snap tool to join the point in the two parts together. I found when using this snap you need to click on the point your moving itself and dragging it to the other point, if you only click near the point and drag ruffly it picks the wrong point which was a little messy.
Once i had joined the points all that need to be done was attach the parts and weld the point if necessary.
To finish the skull I copied new polygons to join the gap. The vertex of the new polygons had to be welded to the other side of the skull, I did this using the snap tool to be more accurate.

My face still looks a little stretched as the forehead seems very long and the face looks very thin. I had some trouble when creating the neck as some polygons I created only had three sides or five which would cause me trouble late. After rectifying this problem the skull formation looked quite effect, however the computer froze and deleted it all. The practice gained today help the process become quicker and this is my last attempted below.

My next parts to create is the neck and the ears. I also want to create some hair as it can cover up my ears if they look really terrible.

I tired to create a face map today on the front of my character. This was very simple to do. I used UVW mapping and then unwrapped the UVW map and edited the map to fit my face.

Adding the mapping and editing it was very simple but as I have had trouble since the start my map does not fit my face correctly. I am going to work on this more before lecture on Friday.

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