Friday, 16 November 2007

Creating Smoke

To create smoke first create spray in the top view port and rotate the spray so it points upwards. Then change the render type to facing. Next drop the size to fifty.

Now the spray has been create a map needs to be created.

In the materials editor select a new material and change the opacity map to mask. Then change the map to a gradient and changethe gradient type from linear to radial. Change the noise amount to 0.5 and the size to 3.5 and select fractal. Change colour 3 to two-hunred RBG which should be grey.

At this point the size of the spray was dropped to 75.

Then go up to parent on the material editor and change the Mask to a particle age map. In the particle age drag colour one down to colour three and select swap.

Then go back up to parent level and select the opacity map, gradient and click on the autokey. Drag the key to the last frame and up the phase to five. Turn off the autokey.

Next select the diffuse map and select smoke. Change colour two to pure white and colour one to 141 RBG grey. Change the size upto 100. Change the phase in the same way as on the opacitiy map using the autokey.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I saw you making this in the lecture and it looks realy good!