Friday, 9 November 2007

Creating a Fire Material

To create my fire map i started by creating a new Standard material. Under Shader Basic Parameters I chose Blinn. In the Blinn colours I chose an orange color for Ambient/Diffuse Color. for this orange I chose an RBG of Red:255 Green:120 Blue:0 Hue:20 Sat:255 Value:255

Then i clicked the self illumination box on and select a slighter brighter orange color (Red:255 Green:174 Blue:0 Hue:29 Sat:255 Value:255).

Next I chose diffuse color map and picked Particle Age and hit ok.
For Color #1 chose a red color, and set Age #1 at 20%.
For Color #2 chose an orange color and set Age# 2 at 50%.
For Color #3 pick white and set Age# 3 at 100%

Once done go back upto parent level. I then checked diffuse map was set to 100. Then changed the self illumination map and choose Smoke. The Smoke Parameters need to be set to size: 40 and make color 1 an orange color and color 2 a yellow color.

Go back to the parent level. Under the opacity map also choose Smoke. Under Smoke Parameters choose size: 40 and make the two colors pure white and pure black.
This will create a fire material.

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